Adding Artists
FEEDtheMUSIC is a platform for all recording and touring musicians to turn fans into collaborators. No longer do long time fans have to get creative to find ways to support their favorite artist, FEEDtheMUSIC is here. Long gone are the days where Artists have to do anything but make and perform the music. Although merch will always be part of the pie, no need to make key chains or mugs for the third tier supporter. Just jam on.
If you are an artist, contact us.
If you want to become a collaborator and support good musicians, donate. If you don't see your favorite artist, then reach out and let them know they are missing out.
Below you'll find our ever expanding roster of artists. Some are signed, some are unsigned. All are talented! Help them continue to craft and play music!
Brothers known as the PawnShop kings and half of The Side Deal.
A behind the scenes music writer realizing he belongs in the spotlight.
Touring the world creating music and glorifying the Lord.
A solo artist bent on piercing hearts and minds with his music despite the everyday noise around us.
A voice for those in-between places.
The pop punk band you grew up with. Back and better than ever.
The Side Deal
1 Part Sugar Ray, 1 Part Train, 2 Parts PawnShop kings