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A Quick History of FEEDtheMUSIC.

Updated: Aug 29, 2022

Music radically influenced Ryan Zeulner’s life. He was first handed a punk cd as a sophomore in high school that changed his life. He began going to shows. His friends joined bands and he would spend his evenings and weekends supporting them any way he could. Music brought him and his younger brother together because it was the one thing they had in common. Ryan began throwing small school concerts both in high school and in college. He began volunteering at the Radio station as a DJ, worked in the University book store as the music buyer (coolest job on campus) and for a short time became an intern for an indie record label.

The shows continued at his next job for a while until the vision began to grow. What if FEEDtheMUSIC became a platform for artists? What if there was a return to Renaissance? How did Mozart, Beethoven, and Bach make their way? Under the umbrella of Teen Leadership Foundation, FEEDtheMUSIC began experimenting with house shows and working with an artist to create a way that music can be relational and not transactional. What if musicians began to rely on the community they are creating with their music. What if the community worked together to support that artist? That's how it was done in the past!

So in 2019 FEEDtheMUSIC (2.0) became it is on 501c3 educational non-profit. It has started partnering with music makers and their fans. The purpose of the corporation is to educate musicians and the general public about the history, cultural influence, science, business and multiple benefits of music for individuals and societies, and to foster the creation, production and distribution of music. and not transactional. What if musicians began to rely on the community they are creating with their music. What if the community worked together to support that artist? That's how it was done in the past!

The shows continued at his next job for a while until the vision began to grow. What if FEEDtheMUSIC became a platform for artists? What if there was a return to Renaissance? How did Mozart, Beethoven and Bach make their way? Under the umbrella of Teen Leadership Foundation, FEEDtheMUSIC began experimenting with house shows and working with an artist to create a way that music can be relational and not transactional. What if musicians began to rely on the community they are creating with their music. What if the community worked together to support that artist? That's how it was done in the past! t!

The mission is too cultivate vibrant communities through education and connecting artists with the tools, information, and services they need to make a living and music for the world.

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